"Pillars to a more meaningful life"

Welcome to our space,

I’ll be speaking about what “pillars” are today.

When I was going through the motions of getting used to the new changes, and stepping into this journey. I realized that I didn’t have much direction. I was lost and wondering what I was going to do for the rest of my life. I kept feeling stuck in the cycles of bad habits and friendships that didn’t serve me any good. Not knowing what my true identity was sparked something inside of me to look for changes and expand my growth. I believe knowledge can take you places, so, I did what you’re doing now and started looking for answers to my questions. I was introduced to the term pillars. Now, these can be personalized to your means and the lifestyle you want to build.

When we think of a lifestyle, we think of what makes up our life and the things we enjoy.

Breaking down the pillars can be best understood by starting with your heart, mind, body, and spirit. That’s what us humans thrive on.

Every month I take the time to reflect on what it is I want to achieve in each of the pillars that make up my life. Asking myself, how I can keep these specific areas working together or what can I do differently? Here’s how you can too,

I focus on keeping a balance among my pillars of life in order to continue to be an emotionally , physically and spiritually connected person.

To do this, I use the example of wine glasses filled with water; if I fill one cup more than the others it will eventually spill over, so I try to keep each glass leveled out.

What happens when one of your cups overfill is you begin to go the wrong direction and it can cause you to lose direction of where you’re heading in life.

3 great starting points for building pillars for a meaningful life are, and you can steal mine:

Purpose - is a goal that organizes your life and that involves making a contribution to others.

Belonging - is about the relationships you build around you.

Storyteller - is about the way you tell your own life story.

Take 3 minutes today to reconnect and reflect on the meaningful things in your life. Whether it’s your family, friends, health, job, career, faith, education, or whatever your priorities may be and see how applying these 3 pillars make a difference in the way your lifestyle elevates.

You weren’t placed here to be average, be different and influence the culture.


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