"11 Habits that don’t help us out "

11 habits that don’t help us out

1.) Procrastinating

If you want to make a positive change in your life right now, the first thing you need to do is to cut out procrastinating. Don't let your mind convince you that you can put things off and do them later.

2.) Eating Fast Food

Now I ain’t saying it It ain’t bad to enjoy some pizza and burgers every now and then but don’t over do it.

Find a healthy balance

Health is wealth my friends.

pro tip: drink a lot water and greens

3.) Going To Sleep Late

We are at the point where we need to prioritize our sleep.

Not only is there a lot of benefits behind going to sleep early but,

If you win the morning, you win the day.

4.) Scrolling On Social Media

It it extremely crazy how many hours we spend scrolling on social media. This stuff is addicting lol

Not only does this lead to comparison but it takes away from real life experiences.

Go out and experience real life and dopamine. Set some time off the phone you’ll be more at peace

5.) Hanging Out With The Wrong Crowd

It is true that you are who you hang with.

It is important to be thoughtful when choosing who to hang out with if you want to grow and reach your goals.

By surrounding yourself with people who have similar lifestyles, you can learn from them and level up through what they can teach you.

Kobe said, the best teacher is the world. Daily interactions.

6.) Not Being Organized

Staying organized can be a key to a successful and productive lifestyle.

Cleaning up your space elevates your space instantly.

There is nothing better than coming home to a clean space that allows your mind to relax and unwind.

pro tip: being organized is a life skill that pays off more in your career.

7.) Not Living By Your Means

In our current society, one's social standing and perception by others are often influenced by what’s seen on the outside such as what we wear, our possessions, where we live.

However, don’t fall into this trap and keep being yourself.

Live within your means will only push you toward those financial goals to be debt free and own real assets this will bring you a peace of mind all around.

8.) Saying Yes To Everything

Say "No.” simple.

Sometimes you can’t commit and communicating that will save you from burning a potential opportunity and relationship.

9.) Distractions

It's incredibly easy to get caught up in distractions.

Commit to creating systems that allows you to work on the different projects or area you’re focusing on.

Don’t do to much.

10. Not having Self- Control

We live in a world full of temptation. Having self control already puts you ahead of many.

11. Not getting started.

It is a blessing to see a new day. Let go of any self doubt or what people may think and say.

commit to your goals. I heard Virgil Abloh say,

Life is so short you can't waste even a day subscribing to what someone thinks you can do versus knowing what you can do.”

Everyone has habits that hold them back from achieving their goals. Starting small is how we reach our full potential. By understanding the bad habits, having a willingness to change, and taking the active steps to form new, healthier habits, you can create a better life for yourself. So, don't get discouraged - embrace the challenge and give yourself permission to discover the personal, emotional and financial success you deserve.


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