"Understanding the season that you’re in"
The year is coming to an end and around this time is when we usually start thinking about our goals heading into the next year. We’ve begun to think about all the things we’d like to change or do better. What worked and what didn’t and we have created an idea of how we want our next year to go and all the things we’d like to accomplish. For many of us in this month of December we can be experiencing some highs for others some lows. Some of us may be finding ourselves in the same season for a while now and are wondering how long it will last. I encourage you to meditate on this blog and this word as I’m going to be sharing personal experiences on what I’ve learned in the current season I am in and how I’ve gone about it to help me grow in areas I needed to grow in. I will be going off spiritual context as I am a believer of Jesus and we love spending our time in the word and spreading the good news. I hope this is as a blessing for you as it has been for me and can help you in the season you find yourself in. With out further or due let’s dive in.
Going back to October I’ve been going through what I’d say a growing season.
So I like to break my season into 4 Spiritual seasons:
The Growing Season is a time of change and stretching. During this phase of spirituality our faith undergoes its growing pains.
The Pruning Season is the time when we take a serious look at our attitudes and beliefs to determine what things we need to let go of. The Bible tells us we are tested like gold in fire. This testing often takes place during the pruning season.
The Wilderness Season is often a time of loneliness and suffering. During this season God’s voice can seem distant or silent. We know that Jesus spent time in the desert. It is really important to remember that God is often closest to us during this season, even when we don’t feel His presence. Psalm 34:19 says it this way, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, saves those whose spirit is crushed.”
The Harvest Season is the time when we often reap the benefits of seeds that were planted during the other seasons. God’s many blessings seem more tangible and present during this time. This is not just a time to count blessings, it is a time to be a good steward of the many blessings we have received by giving back to others generously, just like God has been generous to us.
I have found myself time after time being stretched by God and going through things that make me uncomfortable. But those are the times I’ve learned the most about who I am. When we pray we may ask him to give us direction, to help us make better decisions, to give us clarity and so on. When we ask for those types of revelations we have to be ready for him to try us in a way that won’t be easy. So when you’re praying think about the area’s you may be lacking in and want God to work in and be ready to receive what the Lord has for you. It won’t come easy, God told Jeremiah, “I the LORD search the heart and test the mind” (Jeremiah 17:10), and (Proverbs 17:3) declares that “the LORD tests hearts.” So when you’re asking for change it will happen in a process where your character, your identity, your lifestyle and your decisions will be tested through your environment, your relationships, your career and so on.
It is easy to throw the towel and get in a negative mindset when nothing is going your way and stress starts piling up. You may look around your surroundings and feel like you’re almost faking a smile, going through the motions and just getting by hoping you don’t crack from everything you’re bottling in. Things in your life may become overwhelming. Maybe you can’t focus, responsibilities are adding up or your finances may not be at its best. These are the times that
God wants to pull you closer to him.
God is wanting your attention.
God is testing your obedience.
So how can we become more sensible to his word, to what he is wanting to do in our lives?
One thing that I am doing more is being obedient to his word, understanding that in this process of becoming less of the world and more like him there’s going to be ups and down but how we choose to represent him says a lot about our character. We can’t say we love Jesus and still partake in what the world is doing. You have been called to be apart, (2 Corinthians 6:17) says
“Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” God wants us to live differently from the world by separating ourselves from anything that is unholy or unclean. By doing this, we show our commitment to God and His ways. I have found that the more obedient I am to his word the more blessed I am all around in every area of my life. That is also to say you have to invite him and give him access to every area of your life surrendering all control. When you do this you allow him to outpour his vision and the life he has designed for you. We all have a purpose and we all have crazy goals we hope to accomplish and this can only be done through our father, through Jesus.
Now in a more logical way,
Hone in on the season you’re in and don’t run from it.
That’s where the most progress and growth is made.
When you sit on your emotions and feelings and all the things that life is throwing at you that’s when you understand and figure out who you and what you need to work on.
This is a reward from life because sometimes the people around us won’t notice or wont tell us about it.
It is important to spend time on the word and prayer as they will help you flourish and navigate through the season you’re in.
Praying for all who read this, see you on the next read.